Privacy Policy
Your information and practice details are important to us at Visionstryt. We ensure a comfortable and convenient user experience for you when on our website or using our services.
Fair Usage Policy
Visionstryt is fully committed to providing you with excellent services across our wide range of product offerings. We value our company and value your business just as much. We are committed to having a fruitful mutually beneficial long lasting business relationship with you.
Information Collection and Storage
Visionstryt will collect information from you when you register on the Visionstryt preface website, when you call us or when you write to us. We only hold the information you provide us in order to ensure continuous services to you.
We are POPI compliant and all information collected is not used for any other use other than what we commit in writing to you when we provide you with your bespoke plan.
We treat all information with extreme confidentiality and all information collected is stored on our secure server. All payment details are encrypted.
You have the right to access any of your information we collected about your practice. You can contact us in writing with your request providing enough details about yourself to be identified for security purposes. There might be a small administration fee for this process.
Cookies are very small pieces of data that we store on your hard drive or browser when you navigate our website.
There are different types of cookies we use and they are:
˃ Session Cookies
Session cookies are placed on your computer only when you are using our website making it easier for you to move around the different pages.
˃ Script Generated Cookies
Script generated cookies are placed on your hard drive when you enter any Members Only area of our website. This means that our website will remember that you have been there before. Script generated cookies stay on your hard drive until you remove them.
˃ Third-Party Cookies
Occasionally we may use third-party cookies to advertise on our website. These websites will have their own cookies that we have no control over. You can block cookies by adjusting the settings in your browser.