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Solutions Offering

OB as a Speaker

Whatever the business topic of discussion is, Ob is your go-to-guy for facilitation and execution. His practical examples in discussions and personal touch of challenging the status quo will leave you with riveting and thought provoking strategies you can apply.

He specializes with cutting edge content, innovative information and world class presentation skills.

You are guaranteed one thing: An array of information that you can practically implement within your business on a daily basis

His audiences range from industry leaders with 30+ years of experience to students he lectures at universities.

What distinguishes Ob from any other professional speaker in healthcare is that he has the unique ability to bridge the gap between the various racial, cultural, religious and economic dynamics that exist in his audiences.

CPD Programme

CPD programme.PNG

Visionstryt Academy


Visionstryt Academy, the most advanced learning platform for the healthcare industry across the globe, for all things business.


Why the academy?

Visionstryt conducted research across a wide range of professions within the healthcare industry and this is what we discovered:


The academic and clinical components of the various professions are well taught; enough learning time is provided for them and there is endless content available. However, it is only when students get to their final years of studying when they get introduced to a brief overview of the business component of their profession. Many professionals tend to actually learn more about business when they only start working, by then, it is too late.




Design and Printing

Content Development

Brand Activation

Visual Representations

Social Media Platforms

Website design

Training and Development Consulting

Business activation Workshop

Part 1 Feedback on Training Workshop

Staff Training Workshop

Sales Training Workshop

Part 2 Feedback on Training Workshop

Sales Training Workshop

Staff Training Workshop

Example of a Typical Workshop

Optometric Staff Training Workshop

Visionstryt has developed a detailed staff training workshop which is revolutionizing the Optometry industry.


Increase excellence and productivity

The workshop equips every staff member with the knowledge and capabilities to function at increased levels of excellence and productivity within the business. The course is practical, informative and necessary for Optometric Staff, if a business owner wants to take their business to the next level.


Whether you have experienced employees or those that have recently joined your company, the training course is set to turn each one of them into key role players and catalysts within the practice.

The course is set up as follows:

Module 1 – Optometric Practice Principles

Module 2 – Clinching the Deal

Module 3 – Dispensing Guidelines

Business Consulting and Management

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