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Staff Training Workshop Dates

At Visionstryt, Sight is what we improve and Vision is what we develop.

Our responsibilities towards your business are your services towards your customers. A we continually invest in your business, you will consistently reap the rewards.

What do we mean by this?

Research shows that it is better to have a great team with perhaps a weak vision than to have a great vision with a weak team.

Why is that so?

The power of the dream is in the strength of the team.

Visionstryt is therefore able to activate your most valuable asset – your employees.

How do we do that?

By transforming them into environmental change agents (Catalysts).


A Thermometer is passive, it records temperature but can do nothing to change it.

A Thermostat is active, it determines what the environment will be, it effects change.

Simply put:

  • Organizations can only grow as far as the employees are willing to go.

  • Employees can only go as far as they see their employer go.

  • Employers can only go as far as the vision they have stretches them.

With that being said, Visionstryt has developed a comprehensive Staff Training Workshop that has the following objectives:

  1. Educate optometric staff on key optometric principles.

  2. Equip every staff member with the knowledge and capabilities to function at increased levels of excellence and productivity within the business.

  3. Enable Optometric staff identify the roles they play in growing optometric practices.

  4. Strengthen the capacity of optometric practices by empowering the optometric staff.

  5. Establish and develop well trained optometric staff that will grow into leaders of industry.

  6. Provide effective and necessary skills development for optometric staff.

  7. Increase the sales capacity within the practice.

Your employees cannot afford to miss out on this awesome opportunity and so book their training today.

Kindly download the details of the dates and venues for the training on Dates for Visionstryt Staff Training Workshop

The download also includes the program and details of the content that will be covered during the training.

Remember we also do in-store staff training workshops as well.

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